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Learn To Recognize Fraud
Fraud is everywhere, and anyone can become a victim. You may even be targeted – but you have the power to stop fraud in its tracks with the right information. Read on to learn how to spot and avoid some of the most common types of fraud.

Text Messages
When you receive a message from someone you don’t know, it can be fraud. Instead of responding in any way, delete the message and block the sender.
Scammers use technology to trick your caller ID into displaying any phone number they want – including those of EFCU, government agencies and other organizations. If you receive an unexpected phone call and the caller requests personal information, hang up. You can also decline the call altogether.
Whether it’s a sudden virus alert popping up on your computer screen or an ad for an offer that’s too good to be true, these pop-ups spell trouble. If you can, close the pop-up immediately. You may have to shut down your device or use a Task Manager app to exit the app.

Alarming Business Messages
An email or text may look like it comes from EFCU, Netflix, Amazon or another organization you do business with, but be cautious. If the message claims there was a suspicious transaction or your account is being suspended, go directly to the business’s website or call their phone number.
Never use the links or phone number provided in the message.
Never use the links or phone number provided in the message.

If someone sends you a QR code for receiving a payment, be suspicious. Often, this QR code directs you to send money that is converted into cryptocurrency so it cannot be recovered. Then, the scammer disappears.
Gift Cards
Hundreds of millions of dollars are lost every year in gift card scams. If someone asks you to pay for anything by sending a gift card or a card’s redemption code, it is probably a scam.
Independent car warranty organizations are selling warranties that have virtually no value. Reject all unsolicited offers, whether by phone, email or regular mail.
Having a vast social network may feel great, but connecting with people you don’t know puts you at risk. Reject friend requests from strangers, and use caution even when accepting requests from friends, especially duplicate profiles, as these can be fake accounts.